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Discover the Future of Genomics with MGI at ESHG 2024!
Join us at ESHG and explore the latest advancements in sequencing technology. Discover how our cutting-edge solutions are delivering rapid, precise, and comprehensive insights, empowering scientists and clinicians to push the boundaries of genetic understanding.

event 01.06.2024

Germany, Berlin

As a new Core Lab under the Million Microbiomes from Humans Project, MGI empowers INRAE MetaGenoPolis in“Le microbiote français - Le French Gut”project to Propel Metagenomics Research.

Release date: 06.02.2024

Jouy-en-Josas, France

Explore DNBSEQ™ Technology Symposium at EACR 2024
Meet MGI team at booth 101. Join our symposium to explore how our cutting-edge technology accelerates cancer research. Reserve your seat today!

event 10.06 - 13.06.2024

Join MGI at the University of Aberdeen - Institute of Medical Sciences Traders Exhibition

event 22.05.2024

Explore Spatial Biology as Never Before with Stereo-seq, a technology empowered by MGI
The VIB Spatial Omics conference is a key event for anyone involved in spatial biology, offering a platform to learn from and network with leading scientists and industry experts. The conference features a series of talks, workshops, and exhibitions showcasing the latest research and technological advancements in spatial omics

event 14.06.2024

MGI Shares New Data on Core DNEBSEQ Technology and Showcases Latest Sequencing Innovations at ESHG 2024
MGI Tech unveils Q40 quality data for DNBSEQ with StandardMPS 2.0 Chemistry and launches DNBelab C-TaiM 4 Single-Cell Droplet Generator at ESHG 2024, showcasing major innovations.

Release date: 03.06.2024

Germany Berlin