Comprehensive, sensitive and accurate HIV-1 genotyping and DRM detection
HIV drug resistance poses a significant global challenge to the sustainability of antiretroviral therapy and is the most common cause of antiviral treatment failure in HIV patients. Next Generation Sequencing holds significant promise in providing scalable throughput, increased sensitivity and accuracy for detecting drug resistance mutations.
MGI has developed an HIV-1 drug resistance sample to report workflow to accurately characterize HIV drug resistance in both plasma and culture specimens. Based on deep sequencing, capable of detecting drug resistance with low-frequency mutation, and combined with MGI’s automated
Sample Prep systems and HIV-GenomePro software, provides users with a streamlined tool for enabling rapid and accurate detection of HIV-1, drug resistance analysis, genome assembly, mutation detection, and evolutionary tracing.
MGI’s HIV -1 genotyping and drug resistance detection package can be deployed as a comprehensive and scalable solution, with the potential to improve individual patient care, as well as contributing to the ongoing research and genomic surveillance critical for the development of effective public health strategies in the fight against HIVDR and Antimicrobial Resistance.